Tuesday Tweets

This weeks tweets have absolutely no rhyme or reason to them… but there are some extras in here from last weeks lack of tweets and a fun video.

* Interesting article about the divide between New Urbanism and Landscape Urbanism.

* Urbanism: the driving force behind the next half-century – not too surprising since over 50% of the global population now lives in cities and it just keeps growing

* Love this idea of decentralized bike parking – including shower and locker facilities

* When it comes to infill and helping neighbourhoods mature and increase density, laneway housing may be a great solution.

* Seattle is making plans for a permanent tent city

* How ‘Buy Local‘ actually help local business!

* Neat article on grass-roots mapping (a great tool for citizen engagement and involvement in their communities)

* A neat photography project capturing the world reflected in bubbles.

* Cyclists rate their bicycle routes for bikability to create a cycling map for the city of Ottawa

* Bus rapid transit seems to be a booming new force in urban transportation – I think the principles could also work on a smaller scale for cities like Regina.

* New study says the urban roads are safer than rural roads.

* The look at the astounding amount of development that has happened in Shanghai over 20 years.

*And finally, a list of 10 weird urban systems – the Moscow subway dogs are particularly interesting.

**Also – check out the great video above showing the NY subway system as a musical instrument (more on that here)

Tuesday Tweets

One thought on “Tuesday Tweets

  1. Re: the laneway housing…. There was some talk about including a provision to encourage this in a new Core Neighbourhood Plan to help relieve the rental housing pressure there. I’m surprised though by how much this idea seems to rankle people.

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